How to Upload a Banner to Facebook

Create a Facebook imprint that rocks: 10 expert tips

In this article, we'll give yous the Facebook imprint size and other basic tips to aid you to create a Facebook cover epitome that will wow your friends, clients and colleagues.

The selection on Facebook to add together a banner to brighten up your profile or fan page offers an excellent opportunity to creatives and agencies to showcase their design smarts and put a grinning on people'southward faces.

Even so, Facebook banner size is fixed and at that place are strict guidelines equally to what appears in a banner. So kickoff we'll expect at the nigh of import guidelines you need to follow, so we'll take a look at other design considerations to take into business relationship when creating your banner.


Create a Facebook banner

Avoid copyright infringement by featuring your own artwork, as Myriam Heneine has washed to corking effect on her Facebook imprint (

Facebook guidelines - as well equally the law in full general - dictates that you must avert using images that are non yours when y'all create a Facebook banner.

If you recall about it, this isn't the worst thing in the world: you want your Facebook page to be unique, so you might as well apply a unique image. And you lot certainly don't want a public dispute erupting with the owner/creator of the original image.

02. No calls to action

You're not allowed to add a call to action on your banner (i.due east. please click/like/share/buy/download/...). Adding an arrow directed towards the like button is similarly off limits.

03. No sales pitch

Create a Facebook banner

Clever use of imagery can make your sales pitch all its ain, without breaking Facebook's rules, every bit demonstrates

Officially, you're not immune to mention a cost, a promotion or a special offering on your banner. I've seen a lot of ecommerce websites flouting this rule and seemingly getting away with information technology, but information technology probably all-time to avoid anyway - later all, a movie is worth a grand words...

Facebook won't allow y'all to put your contact information - email, phone number, address and so on - on the banner. These must be mentioned in the About department of your page.

Design advice

Now that you know the dos and don'ts of creating a Facebook banner design, let's look at what you can exercise to brand information technology cracking looking...

Facebook banner size

Illustrator Benjamin Lacombe makes the most of Facebook banner size to promote his work

Get-go of all, make sure y'all create a banner with the correct size. Facebook banners are 851 x 315 pixels. If yous don't create a imprint with these exact dimensions, when yous'll upload it, Facebook will ask you to adapt the picture to the page, and you may end up cropping an important role of the picture.

06. Watch out for image resolution

Facebook lowers the resolution of your images when you upload them. And then if y'all desire to avoid displaying a fuzzy banner, it'south best to play around with dissimilar settings when exporting them for the web.

07. Write your page'south proper noun

Create a Facebook banner

Design studio AKQA has made its name the central focus of its Facebook banner

You may non be allowed to add marketing information when you create a Facebook banner, but you can add your name, or the name of your business. The first affair your fans volition see is the banner, so writing your name distinctly will assist brand an instant impression.

08. Harmony

Don't just cull a generic photograph that could fit for whatsoever activity: endeavor to fit your banner to your folio's theme. Too many companies settle for generic lifestyle shots, which is unlikely to make people think your page. And then if yous run a cake store, enquire yourself whether your Facebook imprint could fit the folio of a gardening business concern. If the answer'south yep, you might desire to consider redesigning.

09. Be artistic

Create a Facebook banner

Copywriter Giuseppe Draicchio shows creativity and humour on his Facebook profile (

If you're a great lensman or illustrator, showcase your best work. If you're a designer, don't hesitate to spend a fiddling time on this design - it's worth it in the long run. Facebook banners are a great infinite to prove skills and creativity. For some people it will be first, and possibly only time they connect with you or your make online - you have to brand the most of it!

10. Keep it fresh

Create a Facebook banner

Calculator Arts magazine updates its banner paradigm every calendar month to the latest embrace illustration

If people are likely to visit your Facebook page on a regular ground, consider varying the content of your imprint oftentimes to go along things fresh.

For example, our sister titles .net mag (opens in new tab) and Figurer Arts (opens in new tab) both update their Facebook banners to incorporate the latest embrace illustration every time a new issue comes out. Similarly, the Creative Bloq (opens in new tab) Facebook banner image changes every Monday, as we release a new free, downloadable wallpaper.

Contributed by: Mylène Boyrie (opens in new tab). Mylène Boyrie is a freelancer from Bordeaux, France, specializing in impress and digital blueprint. Follow her on Twitter (opens in new tab).

Do you or your pattern business organization have a creative Facebook imprint? Tell u.s. about it in the comments!

Craig Stewart is a writer, SEO strategist and content marketer, and is a one-time editor of Artistic Bloq. Craig has written about design, typography, tech and football for publications including Artistic Bloq, T3, FourFourTwo and DSG, and he has written a book on motoring for Haynes. When he's not writing, yous'll usually observe Craig under his sometime auto learning about DIY repairs the difficult way.

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